How to Edit Sent Messages on Snapchat

How to Edit Sent Messages on Snapchat

Errors can occur in any form of communication, whether it’s an unintended typographical error or a message you now regret sending. Nevertheless, there’s a means of avoiding potential humiliation. Snapchat currently offers the ability to modify chat messages, and we will explain how to utilize this feature in this article. So, let’s begin.

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Edit Chat on Snapchat

The ability to edit messages is an exclusive feature offered solely to Snapchat+ subscribers. If you desire to correct a text message you sent, then acquiring a premium subscription is imperative. In the event that you already possess the subscription, refer to the steps provided below for guidance.

  1. Navigate to the chat window on Snapchat where you originally sent the message.
  2. To edit the desired message, simply press and hold it for an extended period of time.
  3. To access editing options for your chat, simply tap on the Edit Chat button.
  4. Revise the communication according to your preferences and tap on the check mark icon.


Editing and changing sent messages on Snapchat is an effortless task.

Things to Know Before Using Snapchat Edit Chat

  • Currently, the option to access this feature is limited to those who have subscribed to Snapchat+ as it is still in its early stages of development.
    After making changes to a text, both the editor and the recipient will see a label indicating that it has been edited.
  • Once a message has been sent, there is a time limit of 5 minutes in which it can be edited. Once this period has elapsed, the Edit Chat option will no longer be available.
  • The application provides the option to modify the conversations, even when the recipient has viewed the initial message and remains present in the conversation.
  • After the message has been edited, the original text becomes unverifiable by anyone.
  • Once the other party responds to your message, the Edit Chat feature will no longer be available.

Snapchat users can now rejoice as the highly demanded feature of editing texts and chatting is now available on the app. This addition comes as a response to the request of the app’s users, who were looking for a solution to the problem of making mistakes while chatting. This feature is particularly useful for messaging apps as errors are common in such platforms. In case you’re having trouble finding this feature, make sure to update your app to the latest version. Instagram’s Edit feature might have arrived earlier this year, but Snapchat has now caught up and delivered on the request of its loyal users.

Share your thoughts on this feature and feel free to tell us about your most embarrassing text in the comments section.

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